Disable Entity Framework Code First Initialization Logic

When you use the Entity Framework Code First approach to build your database, EF’s default behavior is to verify if a database exists when the application runs the first time. In case it does not exist, EF creates it. There might exist some situations when there is no need to …

Handle Race Conditions / Concurrency in Code First Entity Framework Applications

Preface A common scenario in developing applications is the handling of concurrent database updates. Given there is an application to manage customers, that is used by multiple users simultaneous. User U1 reads the data of customer C1. While user U1 is looking at this data, user U2 reads the data …

Tracing in Microsoft Azure Cloud Service

Setting Up the Tracing Since it took me some time to figure out again what to do to see the tracing output of my Microsoft Azure Worker Role in a Cloud Service, here are some hints. First, read How To Enable Diagnostics in a Cloud Service. Following the step-by-step description …

Enable / Disable Power Button on Start Screen of Windows 8.1 Update

After installing the Windows 8.1. Update on my Windows RT device, I was missing the power button on the start page (for new features in Windows 8.1. Update, see windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-8/whats-new). Looking around in the Web, I learned that the appearance of the power button depends on the device type and …

Paging Made Easy with ASP.NET MVC 5, Entity Framework 6 and PageList.Mvc

Preface In former days, implementing paging sometimes took a little bit of time. That was independent from the used platform, native Windows Client or Web or whatever. Fortunately, that was then and this is now. Implementing paging in an ASP.NET MVC 5 Entity Framework 6 application really became simple. Just …

Handle Deactivated JavaScript in ASP.NET MVC Web Application

Preface Depending on what your ASP.NET MVC Web application is supposed to do, it might be necessary that the client’s browser has JavaScript support enabled. If this is not the case, maybe you want to make sure the user will be informed and cannot use the application. And because there …

Create a 1:1 Table Relationship using Entity Framework

Preface My database roots are pure SQL. When I create a database, I use an Excel sheet for documentation purposes, which creates SQL statements to build up the tables. Table relationships (parent / child) with foreign keys I do define by hand, like the good old craftsmen do. It’s simple …

Factory File Manager Updated to Ver.

The Factory File Manager was updated: Ver. AppBar Seperator Style adjusted #341: Copy path of focused item to clipboard and show the copied path in lower left corner #348: Active index immediately changed when opening active tab selection (Ctrl+Tab) #350: Close ButtonAppBar when “Same Path” was pressed #352: Changed …