Microsoft Advertising Services AdControl Error Handling in XAML/C#

Preface The Do’s + Don’ts of the Advertising SDK say “DO plan for times when no ads are available.” The links of that item leads to the ErrorCode enumeration and a rudimentarily error handling sample, writing text to debug output. In this post, I will show an error handling where …

Implement Settings Popup Pages for Windows Store Apps

Preface No, this is not the first sample to be found in the internet on this topic. Anyway, I decided to add another one because the two I was looking at (see links below) gave good ideas, but did not satisfied me at all. Changes to App.xaml.cs To begin, new …

Microsoft Advertising Services AdControl Transition in XAML/C#

Preface According to the documentation, AdControls are hosted in a WebView control. For some reasons I was not able to figure out, WebView controls do not slide in when a page loads (or pop in, whatever the correct wording is). This means that your AdControl will not slide in neither. …

Configure Microsoft Advertising Services’ AdControl using XAML/C#

Preface The Microsoft Advertising SDK for Windows 8 allows developers to show ads in their apps. When you look at the walkthrough for putting ads in an app using XAML/C#, you can see that you have to set the ApplicationId and AdUnitId property of each AdControl control in your app. …

Mimic app.config in Windows Store Apps

Preface I know, the concept of app.config files is not part of Windows Store App development. The docs and postings say that one should use local or roaming settings. But I needed something to pass environment depending initial data to the app. One scenario I can think of is the …

Microsoft Advertising Services Test Mode Sample for Windows 8

Microsoft offers a very simple way to show advertising in Windows Store apps. A starting point is The Microsoft Advertising SDK for Windows 8 can be found here: The SDK docs lead you to a document, listing all the possible advertising test modes with their appropriate test values: …

Windows Store App .NET Framework Subset

I’ve learned it when I created Silverlight apps – so why am I so surprised when playing around with Windows Store apps? The .NET framework for Windows Store apps only ‘provides a subset of managed types‘. This subset officially is called ‘.NET for Windows Store apps’. For details, please refer …

Regard The Sequence of XAML Style Definition

Going through a Windows Store App XAML sample, I came to the point where a pre-defined style, located in Common/StandardStyles.xaml file, should be used. The tutorial at told me to remove the comments of PicturesAppBarButtonStyle. Well, that was not that hard. I deleted the XML comment markup and moved …